[pyar] hackearme, por favor

milosh zorica miloshzorica en gmail.com
Vie Sep 16 00:30:18 ART 2011

hola gente

estoy escribiendo un programa para identificar la maquina del cliente

hay viene el source en python

import os
import md5
import time
from uuid import getnode as get_mac

# Grabs boot HDD serial number
bininfo = os.stat('/bin')
devicenum = bininfo[2]
hddid = str(devicenum)

# /bin folder creation time
binctime = os.path.getctime('/bin')
bincreationtime = str(binctime)

# Grabs the en0 MAC address
macaddy = get_mac()
macadd = str(macaddy)

# MAC address, last 4 characters
maclast4bytes = macadd[7:11]

# Generate Machine ID
encryptid = hddid +  bincreationtime + maclast4bytes

machineid = md5.new()
yourid = machineid.hexdigest()

# Some key stretching
count = 0

while (count < 500000):
      m = md5.new()
      yourid = m.hexdigest()
      count = count + 1

print yourid

por favor, alguien puede hackear eso?

es para linux y OSX


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