[pyar] conf virtuales Python SF

Sebastian Bassi sbassi en gmail.com
Mar Mar 10 19:54:38 -03 2020

Con el tema del nuevo coronavirus varias reuniones presenciales o se
cancelan o se pasan a virtuales. Este es el caso de la reunión del grupo de
Python de SF.
Suelo ir periodicamente desde hace como 5 años asi que lo puedo recomendar.
Como ahora va a estar disponible online les paso la info por si quieren
aprovechar la situación y mirar los videos en directo, recuerden que los
horarios del pacifico desde este fin de semana son 4 horas menos asi que 7
PST son las 11 PM en Argentina.

Tambien está ocurriendo algo similar con charlas de AWS, cuando tenga los
datos la paso por aca, si bien la temática no es Python en si, usan mucho
Python especialmente en las charlas relacionadas con ML.


Tomorrow via Zoom at 7p - learn how to become a better Python Developer by
SF Python
Hi Pythonistas,

Great news! Thanks to the extraordinary efforts of folks mentioned below,
SF Python's Presentation Night is happening tomorrow virtually, via

Please join us at 7p PST on March 11 and learn more about how to become a
better developer!

Please spread the word by sharing the zoom link. There is no
pre-registration required for this meetup. CoC will be enforced:


Given growing information from CDC and Surgeon General over the weekend
with regards to COVID-19, we are moving our regular in-person meetups to

When: Mar 11, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Becoming a better developer - click to see talk list

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Or iPhone one-tap :
    US: +16699009128,,162379382#  or +16465588656,,162379382#
Or Telephone:
    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
        US: +1 669 900 9128  or +1 646 558 8656
    Webinar ID: 162 379 382
    International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/av71XflRM

For our inaugural virtual meeting:
- No pre-registration required, please spread the word and share the zoom
link above
- There will be opportunities to ask speakers questions, chat with other
attendees, and make announcement during specified period.
- CoC will be enforced - https://sfpythonmeetup.com/coc

If you can't join us live, our plan is to release talk videos on
https://www.youtube.com/c/sfpython at a later point.
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