[pyar] Buscar coordenadas dentro de poligono

Bruno Tenaglia brunomartintenaglia en gmail.com
Mie Mar 7 14:51:10 -03 2018

Muchas gracias a todos por los comentarios, todos han sido de mucha ayuda.
Al final lo termine resolviedo con la libreria shapely.

De verdad, mil gracias a todos!

2018-03-06 10:34 GMT-03:00 Marcos Dione <mdione en grulic.org.ar>:

> On Tue, Mar 06, 2018 at 09:58:03AM -0300, Andrés Ramírez wrote:
> > Cuidado que la funcion de contains sobre GIS de la base de datos, puede
> que
> > te retorne true, si el punto se encuentra dentro del minimo rectangulo
> que
> > contiene tu poligono, al menos eso hace MySql la funcion MBR_contains
> > <https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-
> relation-functions-mbr.html>.
>     otro motivo más para no usar mysql. en postgir, ST_Contains(A, B)
> devuelve:
> Geometry A contains Geometry B if and only if no points of B lie in the
> exterior of A, and at least one point of the interior of B lies in the
> interior of A. An important subtlety of this definition is that A does
> not contain its boundary, but A does contain itself.
> --
> (Not so) Random fortune:
> The technology industry sees itself as in rebellion against corporate
> America: not corrupt, not buttoned-up, not empty. In fact, a tech company
> can be as corrupt, soulless, and empty as any corporation, but being
> unprofessional helps us maintain the belief that we are somehow different
> from Wall Street.
>             -- Shanley Kane
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Bruno M. Tenaglia - Analista de Sistemas / Analista Programador
Teléfono : 0341-153396277
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