[pyar] Sincronizar tareas en varias Raspberry Pi

Marcos Dione mdione en grulic.org.ar
Vie Feb 16 12:32:21 -03 2018

On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 12:17:16PM -0300, Julian Agustin Cardonnet wrote:
> podes disparar
> la captura cuando llega un tiempo determinado, calcular cuanto falta para
> tomar el proximo fotograma, esperar X milisegundos y volver a empezar el
> loop.

    eso driftea bastante rápido no sólo entre las rpis, sino también de un
disparo a otro.

(Not so) Random fortune:
The technology industry sees itself as in rebellion against corporate
America: not corrupt, not buttoned-up, not empty. In fact, a tech company
can be as corrupt, soulless, and empty as any corporation, but being
unprofessional helps us maintain the belief that we are somehow different
from Wall Street.
	    -- Shanley Kane

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