[pyar] argparse -> interfaz gráfica

Marcos Dione mdione en grulic.org.ar
Jue Abr 7 20:22:17 ART 2016

    La pregunta de Rodrigo Márquez me hizo acordar a este módulo que ví
pasar esta semana:


    no lo he probado, pero pinta muy bueno. capaz se lo pueda integrar
con configglue...


(Not so) Random fortune:
There are three types of people who choose a career in HR: sadistic
assholes who were probably all tattletales in school, empathetic (and
soon to-be-disillusioned) idealists who think they can make a difference
in the lives of others, and those of us who stick around because it
gives you the best view of all the most entertaining train wrecks
happening in the rest of the company.
	    -- Jenny Lawson, "This never happened"

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