[pyar] Microtutorial y Zen de Python

Juan Esteban Carrique carrique en gmail.com
Mar Mayo 19 17:47:05 ART 2015

2015-05-18 18:39 GMT-03:00 Juan A. Diaz <nueces en cafelug.org.ar>:

> Juan,
> El post es de hace unos años, pero por ahí te ayuda a ver las cosas
> desde otro punto de vista.
> http://www.lucas-nussbaum.net/blog/?p=617

Entiendo lo que compartis y cito entre lineas:

*"...The core Ruby development community should mature* The core Ruby
development community is still dominated by Japanese developers. While not
a bad thing in itself, it is easily explained by the fact that the main
development mailing list, where most of the important decisions are taken,
is in japanese.
*ruby-dev@ should be closed, and all the technical discussions should
happen on the english-speaking ruby-core@ list instead...*"
"...But having open discussions in english about the major issues would
already be great..."

y al final lo que dsde mi perspectivas es lo central:
"...*Some people in the Ruby community should stop behaving like assholes.*
As one of the Debian Ruby maintainers, I have been routinely accused of
creating crippled packages on purpose (FTR, I don’t think that the Debian
packages are crippled, despite what the rumors says
<http://code.activestate.com/lists/ruby-talk/9387/>). Debian is not the
only target of that. Just yesterday, someone called for abandonning YARV
(the new Ruby VM in Ruby 1.9), calling it Yet Another Random Vailure
<http://osdir.com/ml/ruby-talk/2011-01/msg00027.html>. This kind of
comments is really hurting the people who are investing their free time in
Ruby, and is turning away people who consider getting involved. In Debian,
we have had a lot of problems getting people to help with Ruby maintenance
since they are getting shit from the community all the time..."

no creo que se refiera a los japoneses donde sin dudas no entiende ni le
interesas entender :P

El idioma es poder, para mi a python PET8 se le fue la mano al imponer que
ademas de utilizar python tenes que comentar en ingles, esa restricción me
parece absurda y autoritaria desde cualquier punto de vista, solo favorece
a los que se sienten cómodos con el ingles e incorpora como requisito (por
eso es una restricción) para usar python saber ingles, se les fue la mano:
Maduren :P me fui!

Ing. Juan Carrique
Santa Fe, Argentina
Electrónica, Arduino,
Coaching, Diabetes,
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