[pyar] Fwd: [PSF-Members] This is a "Thank you" letter

Diego Ramirez ddarkheart en gmail.com
Jue Dic 18 10:10:09 ART 2014

Realmente muy conmovedor.

2014-12-18 10:05 GMT-03:00 Facundo Batista <facundobatista en gmail.com>:
> Para pensar un poco sobre como el granito de arena que todos ponemos
> desinteresadamente (en eventos, en la lista, en el canal de IRC, en
> mantener el sitio, o traducir el tutorial, etc) a algunas personas les
> puede significar mucho más que eso.
> Saludos.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Henrique Bastos <henrique en bastos.net>
> Date: Mon, Dec 1, 2014 at 3:49 PM
> Subject: [PSF-Members] This is a "Thank you" letter
> To: PSF Members <psf-members en python.org>
> Thank you for all your work. Really! Thank you!
> I won't mention names, because it would be a shame to miss anyone and
> because I know that being part of a community is to understand that
> the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. So I'm thanking you
> all.
> This weekend I had the honor of opening the RuPy Brazil. Getting ready
> for yet another talk about community, open source and autonomy, an old
> man approached me saying:
> - "You are my friend. You just don't know me yet."
> I replied:
> - "Cool. Let's chat right after my talk."
> He told me his story and I was very surprised and happy. We can never
> imagine the outcome of simply doing our part. I've learned a lot from
> this experience and it's clear to me that you're an important part of
> it.
> We've published a quick video on youtube with english subtitles so it
> could be shared with everyone. (You might have to explicitly activate
> the captions):
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrHHsPaE_WA
> I just wanted to share this moment with you, and make a clear
> statement: Have no doubt! You are making the difference!
> Thank you.
> Love,
> --
> Henrique Bastos
> Curso Welcome to the Django
> Muito além da programação!
> Twitter: @henriquebastos
> Skype: henriquebastos.net
> Facebook: henriquebastos
> +55 21 99618-6180
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> PSF members' wiki (http://wiki.python.org/psf/)
> --
> .    Facundo
> Blog: http://www.taniquetil.com.ar/plog/
> PyAr: http://www.python.org/ar/
> Twitter: @facundobatista
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