[pyar] [OT] 6 paradigmas de programación

Daniel Moisset dmoisset en machinalis.com
Jue Abr 10 11:04:39 ART 2014

muy lindo, gracias

On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 10:33 AM, Martin Cerdeira
<martincerdeira en gmail.com>wrote:

> http://brikis98.blogspot.dk/2014/04/six-programming-paradigms-that-will.html
> Una interesante lectura que seguramente disfrutará gente amante de la
> programación, no importa que lenguaje use.
> Enjoy!
> -------------------------------------
> Martín Cerdeira - Software Developer
> At the end of the day, ship the fucking thing! It’s great to rewrite your
> code and make it cleaner and by the third time it’ll actually be pretty.
> But that’s not the point—you’re not here to write code; you’re here to ship
> products. - Jamie Zawinski
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