[pyar] Conferencia de tecnologia libre caida.

Leandro Poblet leandrodrhouse en gmail.com
Mie Nov 21 01:12:10 ART 2012

Siempre hay que ver al público como un grupo variado de personas: No 
todo el que fue sabe programar en python, no todos lo conocen a fondo y 
no todos trabajan con él lo suficiente como para dar una charla. Cuando 
los temas tal vez más comunes fueron tomados, dentro de las cosas 
específicas (Python científico, por ejemplo) haya muy pocos dispuestos a 
dar charlas. También hay que considerar aquellos que no les gusta hablar 
en público y menos frente a un aula con aprox. 20 o 30 personas.

El 21/11/12 00:53, Sebastian Bassi escribió:
> 2012/11/21 Federico Apelhanz <elmaildejapel en gmail.com 
> <mailto:elmaildejapel en gmail.com>>
>     Y es un problema porque...?
> Este artículo lo responde mejor que yo: 
> http://farukat.es/journal/2012/11/673-problem-slate-white-male-speakers
> Creo que estos 2 parrafos son importantes:
> This phenomenon also explains the level of butthurt expressed by some 
> men when dealing with this topic: they get offended and have a hard 
> time believing that people could think of them as not welcoming to 
> women. "Of course I'm welcoming to women!" they decry. But the reality 
> is, when a large group of people is very homogeneous, it simply does 
> not /appear/ to be inclusive to people on the outside. This is a 
> shallow, superficial thing, but that's the problem: if your group 
> /appears/ to be unwelcome, then it is inevitable that some people will 
> not even bother to try and find out if you really are.
> (...)
> If you're a white man, you will probably have no superficial problem 
> seeing other white men as speakers. But if you're any other 
> demographic in any way at all, seeing white men over and over and over 
> again will start to wear you down and make you wonder if this 
> community is really as inclusive as it claims to be. And, even worse, 
> it'll justifiably make some people wonder if this community actually 
> values other people's points of view as much as those of the white men.
> Aunque para responder a tu pregunta especifica:
> "Study after study 
> <http://farukat.es/journal/2011/05/586-snarky-truth-reasoned-explanation> finds 
> that greater diversity in a group's membership improves the quality of 
> their collective output."
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