[pyar] Raspberry Pi

Horacio Bertorello svankie en gmail.com
Jue Mar 1 11:27:25 ART 2012



"Although we are still waiting for units to arrive from China, you can
start buying the Raspberry Pi today. We have entered into licensed
manufacture partnerships with two British companies, Premier Farnell
and RS Components. They’ll be manufacturing and distributing the
devices on behalf of the Raspberry Pi Foundation, and handling the
distribution of our first batches as they arrive in the country. The
Foundation continues to make a small profit from each Raspberry Pi
sold, which we’ll be putting straight back into the charity."


"The involvement of RS Components and Premier Farnell means that we
can build volume much, much faster than would have been possible on
our own. We are no longer limited to batches of only 10k Raspberry
Pis; the Raspberry Pi will now be being built to match demand."


2012/3/1 Gustavo Ibarra <ibarrags en gmail.com>:
> 2012/1/25 Claudio Freire <klaussfreire en gmail.com>:
>> 2012/1/25 fisa <fisadev en gmail.com>:
>>> Ojo, no es 15 dólares, es 15 libras. De Raspberry Pi hay dos modelos: uno
>>> de
>>> 25 y el otro de 35 dólares.
>>> Igual sigue siendo nada de plata por una pc :) Yo estoy esperandp que
>>> empiecen a venderlas.
>> Qué groso.
>> Igual, me suena que va a ser tipo la OLPC (al menos al principio), no
>> se si se vende a cualquiera.
> Por que no!. Eso si,vas a tener que agregar: monitor, teclado, mouse,
> webcam, un par de parlantes, pintarla de verde y competir a 180USD(aprox!)
> Raspberry Pi alpha boards: http://youtu.be/Or1-kN2z1iM
> Raspberry Pi beta boards: http://youtu.be/5s7GUQcjP7M
> Review: http://youtu.be/6BbufUp_HNs
> Preventa: http://www.element14.com/community/groups/raspberry-pi
> El R-PI esta bueno!!
> --
> Saludos,
> Gustavo.-
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