[pyar] SUBE

Mauro LIZAUR listas en cacavoladora.org
Vie Feb 3 00:18:13 ART 2012

On 30/01/12 16:21, Sebastian Bassi wrote:
> Hice mi versión pytónica del generador de SUBE que anda dando vuelta en PHP:
> http://blog.sebastianbassi.com/2012/01/generador-de-numero-de-tarjetas-de-sube.html


Citando al autor:

So there it is. A full guide to breaking CATPCHA's which hopefully will
be used for more good then evil. I honeslty belive that while someone
could come along and do some damage using this code, to really do
anything dangerous you need to understand it and modify it quite a lot.
To those who are getting ready to flame me on this remember that these
techniques are not difficult to learn and anyone with the intent of
breaking your CAPTCHA will do it, either programmatically or by tricking
or paying people to do it for them. Perhaps by seeing how easy it is you
will consider alternate methods of protecting your webforms.


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