[pyar] Si tenes feed en el planeta PyAr, lee esto!

Roberto Alsina ralsina en netmanagers.com.ar
Mie Abr 11 11:07:25 ART 2012

Hay unos cuantos feeds que fallan por diversos motivos. Aca abajo están 
los errores. Si tu feed está ahí, contame porqué y como lo arreglamos.

Los feeds de esta lista que sigan dando error en dos semanas se sacan.

Voy a mandar otro mail para contar como avanza el miercoles que viene.


Feed:        http://lavaramano.livejournal.com/data/rss?tag=python
HTTP Status: 410
The feed has gone.
You should remove it from your config file.

Feed:        http://blog.paparelli.com.ar/?feed=rss2
Timeout while reading feed.

Feed:        http://py4bio.com/feed/atom/
HTTP Status: 403
The feed has gone.
You should remove it from your config file.

Feed:        http://audiolibre.com.ar/?feed=atom
Timeout while reading feed.

HTTP Status: 404
The feed returned an error.
If this condition persists, you should remove it from your config file.

Feed:        http://www.from-the-cloud.com/blog/feeds/ultimos_posts/
Timeout while reading feed.

Feed:        http://lavaramano.livejournal.com/data/rss
HTTP Status: 410
The feed has gone.
You should remove it from your config file.

Feed:        http://blogs.lug.fi.uba.ar/marga/?tempskin=_rss2&cat=31
Timeout while reading feed.

Feed:        http://blogs.lug.fi.uba.ar/marga/?tempskin=_rss2&cat=36
Timeout while reading feed.

Feed:        http://blog.paparelli.com.ar/?feed=rss2&cat=4
Timeout while reading feed.

Feed:        http://blog.nicocesar.com/?q=rss.xml
Timeout while reading feed.

Feed:        http://scialvarez.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
HTTP Status: 404
The feed returned an error.
If this condition persists, you should remove it from your config file.

Feed:        http://anthony.lenton.com.ar/feed/es/
HTTP Status: 404
The feed returned an error.
If this condition persists, you should remove it from your config file.

Feed:        http://john.lenton.com.ar/feed/
HTTP Status: 404
The feed returned an error.
If this condition persists, you should remove it from your config file.

Feed:        http://www.chaghi.com.ar/blog/rss/atom/1/8
HTTP Status: 404
The feed returned an error.
If this condition persists, you should remove it from your config file.

Feed:        http://from-the-cloud.com/blog/category/python/
Timeout while reading feed.

Feed:        http://www.linux-noa.com.ar/feeds/posts/default/-/python
Timeout while reading feed.

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