[pyar] Nuevo proyecto: De Vicenzo, un web browser chiquitito pero maximalista

Roberto Alsina ralsina en netmanagers.com.ar
Lun Mar 7 18:12:09 ART 2011

On 3/7/2011 5:59 PM, Juan Carlos Ojeda wrote:
>     El soporte de impresión enterito :-)
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "devicenzo-pep8.py", line 84, in bookmarkPage
>     for url, title in self.bookmarks.items()]
> AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'addAction'
> Segmentation fault

Si querés te ayudo a debuguear eso pero por privado, hacerlo en la lista 
de PyAr no se si es lo mejor.

Lo primero sería saber la versión que estás usando...

> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "devicenzo.py", line 66, in bookmarkPage
>     [self.star.menu().addAction(QtGui.QAction(title, self, 
> activated=lambda u=QtCore.QUrl(url): 
> self.tabs.currentWidget().load(u))) for url, title in 
> self.bookmarks.items()]
> AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'addAction'
> QFont::setPointSize: Point size <= 0 (0), must be greater than 0
> QFont::setPointSize: Point size <= 0 (0), must be greater than 0
> QFont::setPointSize: Point size <= 0 (0), must be greater than 0
> QFont::setPointSize: Point size <= 0 (0), must be greater than 0
> Segmentation fault
> -- 
> .
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