[pyar] log visualization

Esteban Kuber ekuber en gmail.com
Mie Sep 1 13:28:00 ART 2010

En vista y considerando que la lista a volcado su atencion al tema de
la visualizacion de logs, les muestro este link que recien me llega


La descripcion?

Se los pongo de esta manera:

Es un visor de logs, que lista los siguientes requerimientos:
    OpenGL and 3D accelerated video card

En el sitio hay una animacion mostrando como se ve.

>Logstalgia is a website traffic visualization that replays or streams Apache web-server access logs as a pong-like battle between the web server and an never ending torrent of requests.

>Requests appear as colored balls (the same color as the host) which travel across the screen to arrive at the requested location. Successful requests are hit by the paddle while unsuccessful ones (eg 404 - File Not Found) are missed and pass through.

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