[pyar] Problemas para empaquetar a .deb
Marcos Dione
mdione en grulic.org.ar
Dom Oct 31 22:13:43 ART 2010
On Sun, Oct 31, 2010 at 08:00:47PM -0300, Diego Sarmentero wrote:
> Te paso una guía que me hice para hacer instaladores DEB de programas
> python que siempre uso:
> http://utopia555.blogspot.com/2010/03/instalador-deb-para-programas-python.html
por las dudas, tengo otra, aunque la escribí hace rato ya, y puede
estar un poquito desactualizada:
(Not so) Random fortune:
[...] on the basis of having observed a thousand people in the
experiment and having my own intuition shaped and informed by these
experiments, that if a system of death camps were set up in the [US] of
the sort we had seen in Nazi Germany, one would be able to find
sufficient personnel for those camps in any medium-sized American town.
-- Stanley Milgram, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milgram_experiment
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