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Lun Oct 30 21:52:05 ART 2017

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El 30 oct. 2017 8:35 p. m., "Edgardo Silvi" <edgardosilvi en gmail.com>

> Alguno en castellano ??
> 2017-10-30 21:16 GMT-03:00 Edgardo <edgardolor en gmail.com>:
>> Los que quieran algún pdf de python, avisen que los subo a Mega o si
>> quieren los subo todos, la lista:
>> [toty @ s1 python]$ cat -n textos.python
>>>      1    2004 Dive Into Python Apress.pdf
>>>      2    A Byte of Python, v1.20 (for Python 2.x) (2005).pdf
>>>      3    A Byte of Python, v1.92 (for Python 3.0) (2009).pdf
>>>      4    Advanced Python Programming.pdf
>>>      5    A Functional Start to Computing with Python [Herman
>>> 2013-07-26].pdf
>>>      6    2014 A Learner's Guide to Programming Using the Python
>>> Language (2009).pdf
>>>      7    Apprendre a programme avec Python.pdf
>>>      8    Apprendre a programmer avec Python 1 - Swinnen.pdf
>>>      9    apprendre_a-programmer-avec-python2.pdf
>>>     10    Apprendre a programmer avec Python 2 - Swinnen.pdf
>>>     11    Apprendre a programmer avec python.pdf
>>>     12    Apprendre a programmer avec Python.pdf
>>>     13    Apprendre a programmer en Python.pdf
>>>     14    apprendre_python3Swinnen.pdf
>>>     15    2015 apprenez_a_programmer_en_python.pdf
>>>     16    Apress.Foundations.of.Python.3.Network.Programming.2nd.Editi
>>> on.Dec.2010.pdf
>>>     17    Apress.Pro.Python.Jun.2010.eBook-ELOHiM.pdf
>>>     18    Apress - Python Algorithms Mastering Basic Algorithms in the
>>> Python Language.pdf
>>>     19    A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python, 2nd Edition
>>> (2011).pdf
>>>     20    A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python (2nd ed.)
>>> [Langtangen 2011-06-28].pdf
>>>     21    A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python (3rd ed.)
>>> [Langtangen 2012-07-04].pdf
>>>     22    A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python (4th ed.)
>>> [Langtangen 2014-08-02].pdf
>>>     23    A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python [Langtangen
>>> 2009-09-10].pdf
>>>     24    Beginning Game Development with Python and Pygame - From
>>> Novice to Professional (2007).pdf
>>>     25    Beginning Game Development with Python and Pygame_ From Novice
>>> to Professional [McGugan 2007-10-19].pdf
>>>     26    2016 Beginning Programming with Python for Dummies [Mueller
>>> 2014-09-22].pdf
>>>     27    2014 Beginning Python (2005).pdf
>>>     28    2014 Beginning Python - From Novice to Professional (2005) -
>>> BBL.pdf
>>>     29    Beginning Python_ From Novice to Professional (2nd ed.)
>>> [Hetland 2009-11-04].pdf
>>>     30    2016 Beginning Python_ From Novice to Professional [Hetland
>>> 2005-10-03].pdf
>>>     31    Beginning Python - From Novice to Professional, Second Edition
>>> (2008).pdf
>>>     32    Beginning Python [Norton, Samuel, Aitel, Foster-Johnson,
>>> Richardson, Diamond, Parker & Roberts 2005-08-05].pdf
>>>     33    Beginning Python.pdf
>>>     34    Beginning Python - Using Python 2.6 and Python 3.1 (2010).pdf
>>>     35    Beginning Python_ Using Python 2.6 and Python 3.1 [Payne
>>> 2010-02-02].pdf
>>>     36    Beginning Python Visualization - Crafting Visual
>>> Transformation Scripts (2009).pdf
>>>     37    Beginning Python Visualization_ Crafting Visual Transformation
>>> Scripts [Vaingast 2009-02-24].pdf
>>>     38    Beginning Python Visualization_ Creating Visual Transformation
>>> Scripts (2nd ed.) [Vaingast 2014-08-19].pdf
>>>     39    Bioinformatics Programming Using Python, First Edition
>>> (2009).pdf
>>>     40    Bioinformatics Programming using Python_ Practical Programming
>>> for Biological Data [Model 2009-12-25].pdf
>>>     41    Black Hat Python_ Python Programming for Hackers and
>>> Pentesters [Seitz 2014-12-11].pdf
>>>     42    Building Machine Learning Systems with Python [Richert &
>>> Coelho 2013-07-26].pdf
>>>     43    Building Probabilistic Graphical Models with Python [Karkera
>>> 2014-05-25].pdf
>>>     44    CherryPy Essentials - Rapid Python Web Application Development
>>> (2007).pdf
>>>     45    CherryPy Essentials_ Rapid Python Web Application Development
>>> [Hellegouarch 2007-03-31].pdf
>>>     46    ChiffrementEnPython.pdf
>>>     47    Coding Club Level 3_ Python_ Building Big Apps [Roffey
>>> 2013-08-19].pdf
>>>     48    Computer Programming - Python - Programming Language Tutorial
>>> (2002 Van Rossum).pdf
>>>     49    Core Python Applications Programming (3rd ed.) [Chun
>>> 2012-03-19].pdf
>>>     50    Core Python Programming (2nd ed.) [Chun 2006-09-28].pdf
>>>     51    Core Python Programming [Chun 2000-12-15].pdf
>>>     52    Core Python Programming.pdf
>>>     53    2014 Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006).pdf
>>>     54    courspython3.pdf
>>>     55    cours_python.pdf
>>>     56    Data Structures and Algorithms in Python [Goodrich, Tamassia &
>>> Goldwasser 2013-03-18].pdf
>>>     57    Dive Into Python 3 (2011).pdf
>>>     58    Dive into Python 3 [Pilgrim 2009].pdf
>>>     59    Dive Into Python 3, r870 (2010).pdf
>>>     60    2014 Expert Python Programming (2008).pdf
>>>     61    2016 Expert Python Programming [Ziadé 2008-09-26].pdf
>>>     62    Exploring Python (2009).pdf
>>>     63    Exploring Python [Budd 2009-02-17].pdf
>>>     64    Financial Modelling in Python (2009).pdf
>>>     65    Financial Modelling in Python [Fletcher & Gardner
>>> 2009-08-03].pdf
>>>     66    Flask Web Development_ Developing Web Applications with Python
>>> [Grinberg 2014-05-18].pdf
>>>     67    Foundations of Agile Python Development (2008).pdf
>>>     68    Foundations of Agile Python Development [Younker
>>> 2008-06-24].pdf
>>>     69    Foundations of Python Network Programming (2nd ed.) [Rhodes &
>>> Goerzen 2010-12-21].pdf
>>>     70    Foundations of Python Network Programming (3rd ed.) [Rhodes &
>>> Goerzen 2014-10-20].pdf
>>>     71    Foundations of Python Network Programming, Second Edition
>>> (2010).pdf
>>>     72    FreeCAD (How-to)_ Solid Modeling with the Power of Python
>>> [Collette & Falck 2012-09-18].pdf
>>>     73    2016 Fundamentals of Python_ From First Programs through Data
>>> Structures [Lambert 2009-01-08].pdf
>>>     74    Game Programming with Python, Lua, and Ruby (2003).pdf
>>>     75    2014 Game.Programming.with.Python.Lua.And.Ruby.eBook-LRN.pdf
>>>     76    gdd_pydp.pdf
>>>     77    Getting Started with Beautiful Soup_ Build Your Own Web
>>> Scraper and Learn All About Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup [Nair
>>> 2014-01-24].pdf
>>>     78    Getting Started with Pyparsing (2007).pdf
>>>     79    Getting Started with Pyparsing [McGuire 2008].pdf
>>>     80    Gray Hat Python - Python Programming for Hackers and Reverse
>>> Engineers (2009).pdf
>>>     81    Gray Hat Python_ Python Programming for Hackers and Reverse
>>> Engineers [Seitz 2009-05-03].pdf
>>>     82    Guide to NumPy (for Python) (2006).pdf
>>>     83    Hacking Secret Ciphers with Python [Sweigart 2013-04-14].pdf
>>>     84    2016 Head First Programming_ A Learner's Guide to Programming,
>>> using the Python Language [Barry & Griffiths 2009-12-04].pdf
>>>     85    2016 Head First Python [Barry 2010-11].pdf
>>>     86    2014 Head First Python, First Edition (2010).pdf
>>>     87    2016 Hello! Python [Briggs 2012-02-23].pdf
>>>     88    2014 Hello World - Computer Programming for Kids and Other
>>> Beginners, Fourth printing (2009).pdf
>>>     89    High Performance Python_ Practical Performant Programming for
>>> Humans [Gorelick & Ozsvald 2014-09-20].pdf
>>>     90    How to Think Like a Computer Scientist_ Learning with Python
>>> [Downey, Elkner & Meyers 2002-01-04].pdf
>>>     91    to Think Like a Computer Scientist, Learning with Python.pdf
>>>     92    Interfaces graphiques pour Python avec wxPython.pdf
>>>     93    Introduction a Python 3.pdf
>>>     94    2016 Introduction to Computation and Programming using Python
>>> (rev. ed.) [Guttag 2013-08-09].pdf
>>>     95    2016 Introduction to Computation and Programming using Python
>>> (Spring 2013 ed.) [Guttag 2013].pdf
>>>     96    2016 Introduction to Computer Science using Python_ A
>>> Computational Problem-Solving Focus [Dierbach 2012-12-25].pdf
>>>     97    2014 Introduction to Media Computation - A Multimedia Cookbook
>>> in Python (2002).pdf
>>>     98    Introduction to Programming Concepts with Case Studies in
>>> Python [Üçoluk & Kalkan 2012-10-30].pdf
>>>     99    Introduction to Programming using Python [Liang 2012-01-12].pdf
>>>    100    Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python (2008).pdf
>>>    101    Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python, 2nd Edition
>>> (Version 13) (2010).pdf
>>>    102    Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python_ A Beginner's Guide
>>> to Computer Programming (2nd ed.) [Sweigart 2010-05-01].pdf
>>>    103    Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python [Sweigart
>>> 2009-03-20].pdf
>>>    104    IronPython in Action [Foord & Muirhead 2009-04-07].pdf
>>>    105    Kivy_ Interactive Applications in Python [Ulloa 2013-09-25].pdf
>>>    106    2016 Learning Geospatial Analysis with Python [Lawhead
>>> 2013-10-25].pdf
>>>    107    Learning IPython for Interactive Computing and Data
>>> Visualization [Rossant 2013-04-25].pdf
>>>    108    Learning Python Design Patterns [Zlobin 2013-11-25].pdf
>>>    109    2014 Learning Python, Fourth Edition (2009).pdf
>>>    110    Learning Python_ Help for Programmers [Lutz & Ascher
>>> 1999-04-17].pdf
>>>    111    Learning Python_ Object-Oriented Programming (2nd ed.) [Lutz &
>>> Ascher 2004-01-02].pdf
>>>    112    Learning Python.pdf
>>>    113    2016 Learning Python_ Powerful Object-Oriented Programming
>>> (3rd ed.) [Lutz 2007-11-01].pdf
>>>    114    Learning Python_ Powerful Object-Oriented Programming (4th
>>> ed.) [Lutz 2009-10-12].pdf
>>>    115    2016 Learning Python_ Powerful Object-Oriented Programming
>>> (5th ed.) [Lutz 2013-07-06].pdf
>>>    116    2016 Learning Python with Raspberry Pi [Bradbury & Everard
>>> 2014-03-10].pdf
>>>    117    Learning scikit-learn_ Machine Learning in Python [Garreta &
>>> Moncecchi 2013-11-25].pdf
>>>    118    Learning SciPy for Numerical and Scientific Computing
>>> [Blanco-Silva 2013-02-22].pdf
>>>    119    Learning Selenium Testing Tools with Python [Gundecha
>>> 2014-12-29].pdf
>>>    120    Learning to Program - Python (2006).pdf
>>>    121    Learn Python The Hard Way_ A Very Simple Introduction to the
>>> Terrifyingly Beautiful World of Computers and Code (3rd ed.) [Shaw
>>> 2013-10-11].pdf
>>>    122    Learn Python The Hard Way, Release 1.0 (2010).pdf
>>>    123    2016 Learn Raspberry Pi Programming with Python [Donat
>>> 2014-05-05].pdf
>>>    124    Learn to Program using Python [Gauld 2000-12-18].pdf
>>>    125    Les bases de PYTHON.pdf
>>>    126    Making Games with Python & Pygame [Sweigart 2012-01-12].pdf
>>>    127    Making Use of Python (2002).pdf
>>>    128    Making Use Of Python (2002).pdf
>>>    129    Making Use of Python [Gupta 2002-06-15].pdf
>>>    130    Mastering Object-Oriented Python [Lott 2014-04-25].pdf
>>>    131    Mastering Python Regular Expressions [Lopez & Romero
>>> 2014-02-26].pdf
>>>    132    2014 Matplotlib for Python Developers (2009).pdf
>>>    133    2016 Matplotlib for Python Developers_ Build Remarkable
>>> Publication-Quality Plots the Easy Way [Tosi 2009-11-12].pdf
>>>    134    Methods in Medical Informatics - Fundamentals of Healthcare
>>> Programming in Perl, Python, and Ruby (2010).pdf
>>>    135    Mobile Python - Rapid Prototyping of Applications on the
>>> Mobile Platform (2007).pdf
>>>    136    Mobile Python_ Rapid Prototyping of Applications on the Mobile
>>> Platform [Scheible & Tuulos 2007-12-04].pdf
>>>    137    MongoDB and Python_ Patterns and Processes for the Popular
>>> Document-Oriented Database [O'Higgins 2011-10-03].pdf
>>>    138    MySQL for Python (2010).pdf
>>>    139    MySQL for Python [Lukaszewski 2010-09-21].pdf
>>>    140    Natural Language Processing with Python (2009).pdf
>>>    141    Natural Language Processing with Python_ Analyzing Text with
>>> the Natural Language Toolkit [Bird, Klein & Loper 2009-07-10].pdf
>>>    142    Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python (2nd ed.)
>>> [Kiusalaas 2010-01-29].pdf
>>>    143    Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python 3 (3rd ed.)
>>> [Kiusalaas 2013-01-21].pdf
>>>    144    Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python 3 [Kiusalaas
>>> 2011-02-21].pdf
>>>    145    Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python [Kiusalaas
>>> 2005-07-25].pdf
>>>    146    Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python, Second Edition
>>> (2010).pdf
>>>    147    OpenCV Computer Vision with Python [Howse 2013-04-23].pdf
>>>    148    O'Reilly_-_Advanced_Python_Programming.pdf
>>>    149    OReilly.Learning.Python.3rd.Edition.Oct.2007.pdf
>>>    150    O'Reilly Learning Python (3rd Edition).pdf
>>>    151    2014 O'Reilly - Programming Python, 3rd Ed Aug2006.pdf
>>>    152    2014 O'Reilly - Programming Python (Fourth Edition).pdf
>>>    153    OReilly.Python.for.Unix.and.Linux.System.Administration.Sep.
>>> 2008.pdf
>>>    154    O'Reilly - Python & XML.pdf
>>>    155    O'Reilly Python & XML.pdf
>>>    156    OWASP_Romania_Branca.pdf
>>>    157    Parallel Programming with Python [Palach 2014-07-14].pdf
>>>    158    2014 PEP-8 Cheatsheet (2009).pdf
>>>    159    Plongez au coeur de Python.pdf
>>>    160    2016 Practical Programming_ An Introduction to Computer
>>> Science using Python 3 (2nd ed.) [Gries, Campbell & Montojo 2013-10-04].pdf
>>>    161    Practical Programming_ An Introduction to Computer Science
>>> using Python [Campbell, Gries, Montojo & Wilson 2009-06-07].pdf
>>>    162    Practical Programming - An Introduction to Computer Science
>>> Using Python, v.2009-5-6 (2009).pdf
>>>    163    Pro Android Python with SL4A [Ferrill 2011-06-26].pdf
>>>    164    2016 Professional IronPython_ Design and Develop IronPython
>>> Techniques [Mueller 2010-04-05].pdf
>>>    165    2014 Professional Python Frameworks - Web 2.0 Programming with
>>> Django and TurboGears (2007).pdf
>>>    166    2016 Professional Python Frameworks_ Web 2.0 Programming with
>>> Django and TurboGears [Moore, Budd & Wright 2007-10-15].pdf
>>>    167    2016 Programmation Python Agile.pdf
>>>    168    Programmation Python Conception et optimisation 2e edition.pdf
>>>    169    Programmation Python: Conception et optimisation.pdf
>>>    170    Programmation python.pdf
>>>    171    Programming ArcGIS 10.1 with Python Cookbook [Pimpler
>>> 2013-02-22].pdf
>>>    172    2016 Programming Computer Vision with Python_ Tools and
>>> Algorithms for Analyzing Images [Solem 2012-06-29].pdf
>>>    173    Programming in Python 3, 2nd Edition.pdf
>>>    174    Programming in Python 3_ A Complete Introduction to the Python
>>> Language (2nd ed.) [Summerfield 2009-11-22].pdf
>>>    175    Programming in Python 3 - A Complete Introduction to the
>>> Python Language, Second Edition (2010).pdf
>>>    176    Programming in Python.pdf
>>>    177    Programming Python (2nd ed.) [Lutz 2001-03-11].pdf
>>>    178    2014 Programming Python, 4th Edition (2010).pdf
>>>    179    2016 Programming Python_ Powerful Object-Oriented Programming
>>> (3rd ed.) [Lutz 2006-09-02].pdf
>>>    180    2016 Programming Python_ Powerful Object-Oriented Programming
>>> (4th ed.) [Lutz 2011-01-10].pdf
>>>    181    2016 Pro IronPython [Harris 2009-06-20].pdf
>>>    182    Pro Python (2010).pdf
>>>    183    Pro Python (2nd ed.) [Browning & Alchin 2015-01-07].pdf
>>>    184    Pro Python_ Advanced Coding Techniques and Tools [Alchin
>>> 2010-06-15].pdf
>>>    185    Pro Python System Administration (2010).pdf
>>>    186    Pro Python System Administration (2nd ed.) [Sileika
>>> 2014-11-27].pdf
>>>    187    Pro Python System Administration [Sileika 2010-07-27].pdf
>>>    188    PyMOTW_1.4.pdf
>>>    189    PySide GUI Application Development [Loganathan 2013-10-15].pdf
>>>    190    2016 python_101.pdf
>>>    191    Python 2.1 Bible (2001).pdf
>>>    192    Python 2.1 Bible [Brueck & Tanner 2001-06-29].pdf
>>>    193    Python 2.1 Bible.pdf
>>>    194    Python 2.4 Quick Reference Card (Letter) (2007).pdf
>>>    195    Python 2.5 Reference Card (2009).pdf
>>>    196    2014 Python 2.6 Cheatsheet (2008).pdf
>>>    197    Python 2.6 Graphics Cookbook (2010).pdf
>>>    198    Python 2.6 Graphics Cookbook [de Fine 2010-11-24].pdf
>>>    199    Python 2.6 Quick Reference (Letter) (2009).pdf
>>>    200    Python 2.6 Text Processing - Beginner's Guide (2010).pdf
>>>    201    Python 2.6 Text Processing_ Beginner's Guide [McNeil
>>> 2010-12-14].pdf
>>>    202    Python 3 for Absolute Beginners (2009).pdf
>>>    203    Python 3 for Absolute Beginners [Hall & Stacey 2009-10-29].pdf
>>>    204    Python 3 Object Oriented Programming (2010).pdf
>>>    205    Python 3 Object Oriented Programming [Phillips 2010-07-26].pdf
>>>    206    Python 3 Text Processing with NLTK 3 Cookbook (2nd ed.)
>>> [Perkins 2014-09-01].pdf
>>>    207    Python 3 Web Development - Beginner's Guide (2011).pdf
>>>    208    Python 3 Web Development Beginner's Guide [Anders
>>> 2011-05-12].pdf
>>>    209    Python Algorithms - Mastering Basic Algorithms in the Python
>>> Language (2010).pdf
>>>    210    Python Algorithms_ Mastering Basic Algorithms in the Python
>>> Language (2nd ed.) [Hetland 2014-09-04].pdf
>>>    211    Python Algorithms_ Mastering Basic Algorithms in the Python
>>> Language [Hetland 2010-11-24].pdf
>>>    212    Python and HDF5_ Unlocking Scientific Data [Collette
>>> 2013-11-11].pdf
>>>    213    Python and Tkinter Programming (2000).pdf
>>>    214    Python and Tkinter Programming_ Graphical User Interfaces for
>>> Python Programs [Grayson 2000-01].pdf
>>>    215    Python_and_XML.pdf
>>>    216    Python & AWS Cookbook_ Managing Your Cloud with Python and
>>> Boto [Garnaat 2011-11-05].pdf
>>>    217    Python Cheat Sheet (2009).pdf
>>>    218    2016 PythonCheatSheet.pdf
>>>    219    Python Cookbook, 2nd Edition (2005).pdf
>>>    220    Python Cookbook_ Recipes for Mastering Python 3 (3rd ed.)
>>> [Beazley & Jones 2013-06-01].pdf
>>>    221    Python Cookbook_ Recipes from the Python Community (2nd ed.)
>>> [Martelli, Ravenscroft & Ascher 2005-03-28].pdf
>>>    222    Python Cookbook_ Recipes from the Python Community [Martelli &
>>> Ascher 2002-07-15].pdf
>>>    223    Python - Create-Modify-Reuse (2008).pdf
>>>    224    Python_ Create-Modify-Reuse [Knowlton 2008-07-08].pdf
>>>    225    2016 Python Data Visualization Cookbook [Milovanović
>>> 2013-11-25].pdf
>>>    226    2014 Python Developer's Handbook, First Edition (2000).pdf
>>>    227    2016 Python Developer's Handbook [Lessa 2000-12-22].pdf
>>>    228    2014 Python.Developers.Handbook.Sams.pdf
>>>    229    Python Essential Reference (2nd ed.) [Beazley 2001-06-07].pdf
>>>    230    Python Essential Reference, 2nd Edition.pdf
>>>    231    Python Essential Reference (3rd ed.) [Beazley 2006-03-02].pdf
>>>    232    Python Essential Reference (4th ed.) [Beazley 2009-07-19].pdf
>>>    233    Python Essential Reference, Fourth Edition (2009).pdf
>>>    234    Python for Bioinformatics (2010).pdf
>>>    235    Python for Bioinformatics [Bassi 2009-09-30].pdf
>>>    236    2016 Python for Data Analysis_ Agile Tools for Real-World Data
>>> [McKinney 2012-11-01].pdf
>>>    237    Python for Dummies (2006).pdf
>>>    238    Python for Dummies [Maruch & Maruch 2006-09-14].pdf
>>>    239    Python Forensics_ A Workbench for Inventing and Sharing
>>> Digital Forensic Technology [Hosmer 2014-06-19].pdf
>>>    240    Python for Everyone [Horstmann & Necaise 2013-03-11].pdf
>>>    241    2016 Python for Finance_ Analyze Big Financial Data [Hilpisch
>>> 2014-12-27].pdf
>>>    242    Python for Finance [Yan 2014-05-11].pdf
>>>    243    Python for Informatics - Exploring Information, v0.0.4
>>> (2010).pdf
>>>    244    Python for Informatics_ Exploring Information (ver. 0.0.8-d2)
>>> [Severance 2013].pdf
>>>    245    2016 Python for Kids_ A Playful Introduction to Programming
>>> [Briggs 2012-12-22].pdf
>>>    246    Python for Secret Agents [Lott 2014-08-22].pdf
>>>    247    Python for Signal Processing_ Featuring IPython Notebooks
>>> [Unpingco 2013-10-10].pdf
>>>    248    Python for Software Design - How to Think Like a Computer
>>> Scientist (2009).pdf
>>>    249    Python for Software Design_ How to Think Like a Computer
>>> Scientist [Downey 2009-03-16].pdf
>>>    250    Python for Unix and Linux System Administration (2008).pdf
>>>    251    Python for Unix and Linux System Administration_ Efficient
>>> Problem-Solving with Python [Gift & Jones 2008-08-29].pdf
>>>    252    Python for Unix Sys Admins.pdf
>>>    253    python_fr.pdf
>>>    254    2014 Python Geospatial Development (2010).pdf
>>>    255    2015 Python Geospatial Development, 2nd Edition.pdf
>>>    256    2016 Python Geospatial Development [Westra 2010-12-14].pdf
>>>    257    Python High Performance Programming [Lanaro 2013-12-23].pdf
>>>    258    2014 Python - How to Program, 1e (2002).pdf
>>>    259    2016 Python_ How to Program [Deitel, Deitel, Liperi &
>>> Wiedermann 2002-02-14].pdf
>>>    260    2014 Python - How to Program.pdf
>>>    261    2016 Python in a Nutshell_ A Desktop Quick Reference (2nd ed.)
>>> [Martelli 2006-07-24].pdf
>>>    262    Python in a Nutshell_ A Desktop Quick Reference [Martelli
>>> 2003-03].pdf
>>>    263    Python in Practice_ Create Better Programs using Concurrency,
>>> Libraries, and Patterns [Summerfield 2013-08-29].pdf
>>>    264    Python Multimedia - Beginner's Guide (2010).pdf
>>>    265    Python Multimedia_ Beginner's Guide [Sathaye 2010-08-13].pdf
>>>    266    Python Network Programming Cookbook [Sarker 2014-03-26].pdf
>>>    267    Python Network Programming.pdf
>>>    268    python_notes.pdf
>>>    269    python.pdf
>>>    270    2016 Python Petit guide a l_usage du developpeur agile.pdf
>>>    271    Python Phrasebook - Essential Code and Commands (2006).pdf
>>>    272    Python Phrasebook_ Essential Code and Commands [Dayley
>>> 2006-11-16].pdf
>>>    273    Python Pocket Reference, 4th Edition (2009).pdf
>>>    274    Python Pocket Reference_ Python in Your Pocket (4th ed.) [Lutz
>>> 2009-10-15].pdf
>>>    275    Python Pocket Reference_ Python in Your Pocket (5th ed.) [Lutz
>>> 2014-02-09].pdf
>>>    276    Python Power - The Comprehensive Guide (2008).pdf
>>>    277    Python Power!_ The Comprehensive Guide [Telles 2007-07-24].pdf
>>>    278    Python Programming - An Introduction to Computer Science,
>>> First Edition, v1.0rc2 (Python 2.x) (2002).pdf
>>>    279    Python Programming Fundamentals (2010).pdf
>>>    280    Python Programming Fundamentals (2nd ed.) [Lee 2015-01-08].pdf
>>>    281    Python Programming Fundamentals [Lee 2010-10-28].pdf
>>>    282    Python Programming on Win32_ Help for Windows Programmers
>>> [Hammond & Robinson 2000-02-03].pdf
>>>    283    Python Programming Tutorial.pdf
>>>    284    Python Projects [Cassell & Gauld 2014-12-03].pdf
>>>    285    Python Scripting for Computational Science (2nd ed.)
>>> [Langtangen 2005-12-21].pdf
>>>    286    Python Scripting for Computational Science (3rd ed.)
>>> [Langtangen 2009-02-13].pdf
>>>    287    Python Scripting for Computational Science [Langtangen
>>> 2004-09-20].pdf
>>>    288    Python Scripting For Computational Science.pdf
>>>    289    Python Scripting for Computational Science, Third Edition
>>> (2008).pdf
>>>    290    Python Standard Library (2001).pdf
>>>    291    Python Standard Library_ An Annotated Reference for Python 2.0
>>> [Lundh 2001 or 2001-05-20].pdf
>>>    292    Python Testing - Beginner's Guide (2010).pdf
>>>    293    Python Testing_ Beginner's Guide [Arbuckle 2010-02-19].pdf
>>>    294    Python Testing Cookbook (2011).pdf
>>>    295    Python Testing Cookbook [Turnquist 2011-05-17].pdf
>>>    296    Python Text Processing with NLTK 2.0 Cookbook (2010).pdf
>>>    297    Python Text Processing with NLTK 2.0 Cookbook [Perkins
>>> 2010-11-11].pdf
>>>    298    Python Tools for Visual Studio [Sabia & Wang 2014-04-11].pdf
>>>    299    Python Tuto Swinnen.pdf
>>>    300    Python.v1.3.13.S60.3rd.Edition.Docs.pdf
>>>    301    Python Web Development with Django [Forcier, Bissex & Chun
>>> 2008-11-03].pdf
>>>    302    Python & XML - XML Processing with Python, First Edition
>>> (2002).pdf
>>>    303    Python & XML_ XML Processing with Python [Jones & Drake
>>> 2001-12-15].pdf
>>>    304    Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt - The Definitive
>>> Guide to PyQt Programming (2008).pdf
>>>    305    Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt_ The Definitive Guide
>>> to PyQt Programming [Summerfield 2007-10-28].pdf
>>>    306    Rapid.Python.Web.Application.Development.Mar.2007.eBook-BBL.
>>> pdf
>>>    307    Raspberry Pi Cookbook for Python Programmers [Cox
>>> 2014-04-16].pdf
>>>    308    Real World Instrumentation with Python - Automated Data
>>> Acquisition and Control Systems (2010).pdf
>>>    309    Real World Instrumentation with Python_ Automated Data
>>> Acquisition and Control Systems [Hughes 2010-12-02].pdf
>>>    310    robots.txt
>>>    311    Sage - Beginner's Guide (2011).pdf
>>>    312    scikit-learn Cookbook [Hauck 2014-11-03].pdf
>>>    313    Snake Wrangling for Kids - Learning to Program with Python 2,
>>> linux-v0.7.2 (2007).pdf
>>>    314    Snake Wrangling for Kids - Learning to Program with Python 2,
>>> mac-v0.7.2 (2007).pdf
>>>    315    Snake Wrangling for Kids - Learning to Program with Python 2,
>>> win-v0.7.2 (2007).pdf
>>>    316    Snake Wrangling for Kids - Learning to Program with Python 3,
>>> linux-v0.7.7 (2007).pdf
>>>    317    Snake Wrangling for Kids - Learning to Program with Python 3,
>>> mac-v0.7.7 (2007).pdf
>>>    318    Snake Wrangling for Kids - Learning to Program with Python 3,
>>> win-v0.7.7 (2007).pdf
>>>    319    Spring Python 1.1 (2010).pdf
>>>    320    Spring Python 1.1 [Turnquist 2010-05-21].pdf
>>>    321    Start Here - Python Programming - Made Simple for the Beginner
>>> (2010).pdf
>>>    322    2014 Starting Out with Python (2009).pdf
>>>    323    Starting Out with Python (2nd ed.) [Gaddis 2011-03-18].pdf
>>>    324    2016 Starting Out with Python [Gaddis 2008-03-07].pdf
>>>    325    Swaroop.CH--A_byte_of_python_115.pdf
>>>    326    Test-Driven Development with Python_ Obey the Testing Goat_
>>> Using Django, Selenium, and JavaScript [Percival 2014-06-29].pdf
>>>    327    Test-Driven Web Development with Python_ Fewer Bugs and Less
>>> Stress with Selenium, Django, and JavaScript [Percival 2014-06-29]
>>> (draft).pdf
>>>    328    2016 Testing Python_ Applying Unit Testing, TDD, BDD, and
>>> Acceptance Testing [Sale 2014-07-28].pdf
>>>    329    21:09 textos.python
>>>    330    The Definitive Guide to Pylons [Gardner 2008-12-16].pdf
>>>    331    The Practice of Computing using Python (2nd ed.) [Punch &
>>> Enbody 2012-02-25].pdf
>>>    332    The Programming Historian - An open-access introduction to
>>> programming in Python (2010).pdf
>>>    333    The Python Quick Syntax Reference_ The Only Python Reference
>>> You'll Need [Walters 2013-12-17].pdf
>>>    334    The Python Standard Library by Example - Developer's Library
>>> (2011).pdf
>>>    335    The Python Standard Library by Example [Hellmann
>>> 2011-06-11].pdf
>>>    336    2015 The Python Standard Library by Example.pdf
>>>    337    The Quick Python Book (2nd ed.) [Ceder 2010-01-15].pdf
>>>    338    The Quick Python Book, Second Edition (2010).pdf
>>>    339    2016 Think Bayes_ Bayesian Statistics in Python [Downey
>>> 2013-10-04].pdf
>>>    340    thinkcspy.pdf
>>>    341    Thinking in Python (Bruce Eckel, Rev 0.1.2) - 2001.pdf
>>>    342    Thinking_In_Python.pdf
>>>    343    Thinking in Tkinter (2005).pdf
>>>    344    Think Python - An Introduction to Software Design, v1.1.19
>>> (2008).pdf
>>>    345    Think Python_ How to Think Like a Computer Scientist [Downey
>>> 2012-08-23].pdf
>>>    346    Think Python - How To Think Like a Computer Scientist.pdf
>>>    347    Tkinter 8.4 reference - a GUI for Python (2010).pdf
>>>    348    Python.pdf
>>>    349    Violent Python_ A Cookbook for Hackers, Forensic Analysts,
>>> Penetration Testers, and Security Engineers [O'Connor 2012-11-22].pdf
>>>    350    Web2py Enterprise Web Framework (2nd ed.) [di Pierro
>>> 2009-09-28].pdf
>>>    351    Web2py Enterprise Web Framework, 2nd Edition (2009).pdf
>>>    352    Wiley.Mobile.Python.Rapid.prototyping.of.applications.on.
>>> the.mobile.platform.Dec.2007.pdf
>>>    353    wxPython 2.8 Application Development Cookbook (2010).pdf
>>>    354    wxPython 2.8_ Application Development Cookbook [Precord
>>> 2010-12].pdf
>>>    355    2014 wxPython in Action (2006).pdf
>>>    356    2016 wxPython in Action [Rappin & Dunn 2006-03-01].pdf
>>>    357    XML Processing with Perl, Python, and PHP (2002).pdf
>>>    358    XML Processing with Python.pdf
>> Edgardo!
>> El 30 de octubre de 2017, 19:34, Pedro Pezzarini <jose2190 en gmail.com>
>> escribió:
>>> 3...2..1.. SPAM! jajaja
>>> 2017-10-30 18:53 GMT-03:00 MEGA <support en mega.nz>:
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>> Lista de Correo de PyAr - Python Argentina - pyar en python.org.ar
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>> La lista de PyAr esta Hosteada en USLA - Usuarios de Software Libre de
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> --
> *Edgardo Silvi*
> edgardosilvi en gmail.com <edgardosilvi en educ.ar>
> http://edgardosilvi.net <http://edgardosilvi.wordpress.com>
> https://mincyt.cba.gov.ar/alfabetizacion-cientifica-robotica/
> _______________________________________________
> Lista de Correo de PyAr - Python Argentina - pyar en python.org.ar
> Sitio web: http://www.python.org.ar/
> Para administrar la lista (o desuscribirse) entrar a
> http://listas.python.org.ar/listinfo/pyar
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