[pyar] OpenStack

Nicolas Rebagliati nicolas.rebagliati en aenima-x.com.ar
Mie Abr 6 11:36:09 ART 2016

Ok, perfecto.
Solo el driver de nova para hyperv corre sobre windows.
Tiene sentido, gracias!

On Wed, Apr 6, 2016 at 11:31 AM, Federico Wagner <federico.wagner en gmail.com>

> 2016-04-06 11:08 GMT-03:00 Nicolas Rebagliati <
> nicolas.rebagliati en aenima-x.com.ar>:
>> Buenas gente, consulta. Alguno tiene experiencia con Open Stack y HyperV?
> Se instala un modulo en el servidor de Hyper-V que permite la integración.
> Visto en la documentación de Openstack:
>> *"It is possible to use Hyper-V as a compute node within an OpenStack
>> Deployment. The nova-compute service runs as "openstack-compute," a 32-bit
>> service directly upon the Windows platform with the Hyper-V role enabled.
>> The necessary Python components as well as the nova-compute service are
>> installed directly onto the Windows platform"*
> http://docs.openstack.org/juno/config-reference/content/hyper-v-virtualization-platform.html
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