[pyar] Earn a $5500 USD stipend while contributing to the CPython interpreter and standard library.

Emanuel Toro emanueltoro en hotmail.com
Mar Mar 18 14:29:42 ART 2014

No entiendo el anuncio o pedido. qué están buscando? Programadores que sean cualquier cosa menos hombres, programadores que piensen como mujer, es decir con características del genero femenino?

No conocía toda esta terminología y tampoco entiendo el pedido. quieren desarrollar algo orientado hacia el público femenino?


From: stringarray en gmail.com
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 23:25:09 -0300
To: pyar en python.org.ar
Subject: [pyar] Earn a $5500 USD stipend while contributing to the CPython interpreter and standard library.

What: Earn a $5500 USD stipend while contributing to the CPython interpreter and standard library.

 When: This is a full-time summer internship lasting from May 19 through August 18.

 Where: Anywhere! This is a remote internship, with most communication happening on mailing lists, bug trackers, and IRC.

 Who: This internship is open to anyone who identifies 
as a woman or is genderqueer, genderfluid, or genderfree. Note that 
unlike Google Summer of Code, you do not need to be a student.

Applications are due by March 19th.


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