[pyar] os.fork()+sys.exit() en UnitTests
Marcos Dione
mdione en grulic.org.ar
Vie Ene 10 19:45:17 ART 2014
On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 11:38:10PM +0100, Marcos Dione wrote:
> r= os.fork ()
> if r==0:
> try:
> os.execvpe (cmd, args, self.options['_env'])
> except OSError:
> sys.exit (127)
> else:
> self.exit_code= os.waitpid (child_pid, 0)[1]
> if runner.options.get ('errexit', False) and self.exit_code==127:
> raise CommandFailed (self)
perdón, el código es un pastiche del real, s/child_pid/r/.
(Not so) Random fortune:
Unix: everything is a file.
Linux: everything is a filesystem.
KDE: everything is a protocol.
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