[pyar] Cierre Ubuntu One : (

Ariel Gerardo Ríos arielgerardorios en gmail.com
Dom Abr 13 01:53:30 ART 2014

Otra opción para no pasar por servers ajenos:


Ariel Gerardo Ríos
El abr 13, 2014 1:24 a.m., "Ariana Lida García" <arianalidagarcia en gmail.com>

> Otras opciones a los repositorios más conocidos (Jolicloud, Dropbox,
> Drive, etc)
> + Weiyun (ofrece 10 TB iniciales). Este está bastante bueno, el tema es
> que es chino. Cuando yo lo probé por primera vez me tuve que ayudar con el
> Google Translate pero ahora crearon una guía de instalación en inglés para
> descargar la aplicación de escritorio.
> http://mprtech.tumblr.com/post/61130002513/10-tb-cloud-storage-tencent-weiyun-now-in-english
> + Yunio (un TB inicial más un GB adicional por cada día que llevas
> logueado)
> + Copy de Barracuda Networks (15 GB iniciales y otros 5 GB más si te
> inscribís a través de una invitación, luego te adicionan otros 5 GB  por
> cada persona que se inscriba con una invitación tuya). A la fecha tengo 110
> GB en este... anda bien.
> Saludos.
> 2014-04-13 0:51 GMT-03:00 Ariana Lida García <arianalidagarcia en gmail.com>:
>> Me acaba de llegar este e-mail anunciando el cierre definitivo de Ubuntu
>> One por parte de Canonical.
>> Hi,
>> We are writing to you to notify you that we will be shutting down the Ubuntu
>> One file services, effective 1 June 2014. This email gives information
>> about the closure and what you should expect during the shutdown process.
>> As of today, it will no longer be possible to purchase storage or music from
>> the Ubuntu One store. The Ubuntu One file services apps in the Ubuntu, Google,
>> and Apple stores will be updated appropriately.
>> As always, your content belongs to you.  You can simply download your
>> files onto your PC or an external hard drive.  While the service will
>> stop as of 1 June, you will have an additional two months (until 31 July
>> 2014) to collect all of your content. After that date, all remaining
>> content will be deleted.
>> If you have an active annual subscription, the unused portion of your
>> fees will be refunded. The refund amount will be calculated from today's
>> announcement.
>> We know you have come to rely on Ubuntu One, and we apologise for the inconvenience
>> this closure may cause.  We've always been inspired by the support,
>> feedback and enthusiasm of our users and want to thank you for the
>> support you've shown for Ubuntu One. We hope that you'll continue to support
>> us as together we bring a revolutionary experience to new devices.
>> The Ubuntu One team
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