[pyar] consulta sobre un problema que tengo con python

Angel Java Lopez ajlopez2000 en gmail.com
Dom Mayo 19 17:08:38 ART 2013

Hmmm... que recuerde, el 0 adelante indica: lo que viene esta en notacion

Python provides support for octal (base 8) and hexadecimal (base 16)
numbers. To tell Python that a number should be treated as an octal numeric
literal, simply append a zero to the front. Appending a zero and an x to
the front of a number tells Python to treat the number as a hexadecimal
numeric literal,

2013/5/19 Emiliano Deza <emilianodeza en gmail.com>

> ejemplo
> >>> a=0204
> >>> print a
> 132
> porque no imprime 204??
> gracias
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