[pyar] Fwd: [IPython-dev] IPython User Survey 2

Damián Avila damianavila en gmail.com
Lun Ago 26 17:06:06 ART 2013

Usuarios de IPython...

-------- Mensaje original --------
Asunto: 	[IPython-dev] IPython User Survey 2
Fecha: 	Mon, 26 Aug 2013 12:43:17 -0700
De: 	Thomas Kluyver <takowl en gmail.com>
Responder a: 	IPython developers list <ipython-dev en scipy.org>
Para: 	IPython Development list <ipython-dev en scipy.org>, IPython User 
list <ipython-user en scipy.org>

Please take a few minutes to fill in the second IPython user survey:


All questions are optional, so you can give as much or as little 
information as you want. Note that we will publish the responses, so 
don't put anything you want kept private. All responses are anonymous.

We've made the user survey so that we can get a better idea of who is 
using IPython and how they're working with it. We ran the first user 
survey two years ago (http://ipython.org/usersurvey2011.html ), just 
before we launched the first version of the notebook. We're interested 
in any changes in our user base since then, and we're also asking some 
more specific questions that we didn't think of last time. Please 
complete this survey whether or not you took part in the last one - we 
want the most complete sample possible.

If you know of people using IPython who don't subscribe to the mailing 
list, please pass this on to them.


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