[pyar] OT: Cambio política de Paypal para Arg.

Martin Alderete malderete en gmail.com
Jue Sep 13 14:34:36 ART 2012


que bajon che....
gracias por compartir!!!

On 13 September 2012 14:22, Ricardo Daniel Quiroga
<l2radamanthys en gmail.com>wrote:

> 2012/9/13 Sebastian Bassi <sebastian.bassi en globant.com>
>> Lo pongo aca porque sé que muchos lo usan para facturar trabajos al
>> exterior:
>> Resumen: No se podrá usar pp para transacciones entre argentinos. No
>> me pregunten a mi no se quejen conmigo, lo que provoca esto es algo
>> que excede la temática de lista, pero el anuncio en si creo que puede
>> ser de importancia.
>> Upcoming Policy Updates
>> This page informs users in advance of important changes to the PayPal
>> service, its User Agreement, or other policies. This page displays
>> policy updates with future effective dates. Go to Past Policy Updates
>> for previous policy updates.
>> Amendment to the User Agreement for PayPal Services
>> Effective Date: Oct 09, 2012
>> Amendment to the User Agreement for PayPal Services:
>> "Exhibit B - Country-Specific Terms" of the User Agreement for PayPal
>> Services is amended to include:
>> Argentina
>> Argentina Resident PayPal Users may only send and receive
>> international payments. Domestic payments between two Argentina
>> Resident PayPal Users is unavailable.
>> "Argentina Resident" is defined to mean:
>> an individual, regardless of actual nationality, who has indicated
>> Argentina as his/her country or region at the point of signing up for
>> a PayPal Account; and
>> an entity, partnership, organization or association which has
>> indicated Argentina as its country or region of registration at the
>> point of signing up for a PayPal Account.
>> More Information
>> Era de esperar algo asi, el nuevo corralito o cepo al dolar esta por
> todos lados,
> bue y ahora como carajo cambio mis dolares de paypal -.-
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Alderete, Martin Nicolas
Senior Python Developer
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