[pyar] [Programación]Formatting numbers

Diva Satanica apokalyptica79 en gmail.com
Mar Mar 13 10:17:13 ART 2012

Se acuerdan del ejemplo que dí:

#This program demonstrates how a floating-point number can be displayed as
monthly_pay = 5000.0
annual_pay = monthly_pay * 12
print ('Your annual pay is $', \
         format(annual_pay, ',.2f'), \

Bueno lo hice de otra manera:

#This program demonstrates how a floating-point number can be displayed as
monthly_pay = 5000.0
annual_pay = monthly_pay * 12
print ('Your annual pay: ')
print (format(annual_pay, ',.2f'))

Más que seguro que no está bien pero lo hice así y funcionó.

Quedó así:

Your annual pay:


PS: Espero puteadas [?][?]

Divine queen of evil
Sowing her seeds of hate
Mistress of pain
Diva satanica - Master of temptation
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