[pyar] receta de como hacer lo mismo con threading y multiprocessing

Mariano Guerra luismarianoguerra en gmail.com
Mar Jun 19 08:41:58 ART 2012

2012/6/19 Hernan Grecco <hernan.grecco en gmail.com>:
> Hola Mariano,
> Otro modulo bueno es `concurrent` que hace un wrapper de multiprocess
> y threading.
> De la documentacion:
> "The concurrent.futures module provides a high-level interface for
> asynchronously executing callables.
> The asynchronous execution can be performed with threads, using
> ThreadPoolExecutor, or separate processes, using ProcessPoolExecutor.
> Both implement the same interface, which is defined by the abstract
> Executor class." [0]
> Hernan
> [0] http://docs.python.org/dev/library/concurrent.futures.html

esta bueno para una receta, me pregunto quien podra hacerla? :P

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