[pyar] [pygame] mantener tecla pulsada

Christian Guarrera listacgu en gmail.com
Sab Jul 7 19:19:25 ART 2012

gracias angel,

tenia que poner
pygame.key.set_repeat(1, 1)
antes del while donde se capturan los eventos!


On 7 July 2012 19:05, Angel Java Lopez <ajlopez2000 en gmail.com> wrote:
> Hmmmm.. aclaro que no se nada de Pygame ;-)
> pero encontre
> http://www.pygame.org/docs/ref/key.html#pygame.key.set_repeat
> pygame.key.set_repeat
> control how held keys are repeated
> pygame.key.set_repeat(): return None
> pygame.key.set_repeat(delay, interval): return None
> When the keyboard repeat is enabled, keys that are held down will generate
> multiple pygame.KEYDOWN events. The delay is the number of milliseconds
> before the first repeated pygame.KEYDOWN will be sent. After that another
> pygame.KEYDOWN will be sent every interval milliseconds. If no arguments are
> passed the key repeat is disabled.
> When pygame is initialized the key repeat is disabled.
> 2012/7/7 Christian Guarrera <listacgu en gmail.com>
>> Hola a todos,
>> estoy empezando a ver algo de pygame y no logro hacer que al presionar
>> una tecla y dejarla apretada continue con el evento,
>> por ejemplo:
>>                         if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
>>                             if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
>>                                 r1.move_ip(-1,0)
>>                             if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
>>                                 r1.move_ip(1,0)
>>                             if event.key == pygame.K_UP:
>>                                 r1.move_ip(0,-1)
>>                             if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
>>                                 r1.move_ip(0,1)
>> todo esto dentro de:
>> for event in pygame.event.get():
>> alguien sabe de que manera puedo solucionarlo?
>> Saludos!
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