[pyar] Python para mujeres

Mariano Garcia Berrotarán garcia.berrotaran en gmail.com
Lun Jul 4 14:46:27 ART 2011

On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 9:23 AM, Martín Gaitán <gaitan en gmail.com> wrote:
> 2011/5/5 Sebastian Bassi <sebastian.bassi en globant.com>:
>> Hace poco se trató el tema asi que por ahi puede ser de interes:
>> http://montrealpython.org/2011/05/a-success-introduction-to-python-for-women/
> yo me enteré de este grupo, con base en L.A.
> http://pyladies.com/

Reflotando temas viejos, hay una discusion en reddit[0] sobre esto
mismo, y una reflexión que me parecio bastante acertada:

> What can we do as a generally male populated field to help the ladies feel more at ease?
 How about not getting too worked up when women want their own support group?
You need to understand that from many woman's perspective's
programming isn't a very welcoming field: it's probably 90% male, many
of the males within it have a very difficult time with women, and
there are quite a few stories of very public creepy behavior towards
And don't get so wrapped up in "theoretically, we're all equal" -
because "practically, we're not". And as a member of the
super-majority it's just possible that your perspectives aren't
anything like the minority's.
So, if it makes some women feel more comfortable to talk to other
female programmers - then great, support them. Because this field
needs more female programmers, and clearly the current methods of
attracting women into it aren't working.

[0] http://www.reddit.com/r/Python/comments/igdg9/a_group_of_women_who_use_and_love_the_python/


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