[pyar] Hay que mandarlo a un PyCamp

Sebastian Bassi sebastian.bassi en globant.com
Mie Feb 2 11:00:45 ART 2011

On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 9:56 AM, Juanjo Conti <jjconti en gmail.com> wrote:

> http://pogue.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/02/01/quora-raises-questions/
Lo que me gusta de esa nota es la perspectiva del usuario "no tecnico" que
muchas veces se nos escapa a los que trabajamos de esto.
Por ejemplo esta parte:

During the sign-up process, Quora showed me five random friends from
Facebook and asked if I wanted to follow them, without explaining what that
meant, what the ramifications were or how I could choose anyone else besides
those five. Similarly, I was then shown five topics (Television, Fiction and
so on) and asked to choose which I wanted to “follow” — no explanation, and
no way to specify topics I’d prefer.
(And yes, I’ve been through the Help section. Not a word about what
following is all about.)
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