[pyar] Issue 1 of "PET: English Translation" a Python magazine is out!

Emiliano Dalla Verde Marcozzi edvm en airtrack.com.ar
Vie Sep 10 03:54:20 ART 2010

2010/9/10 Esteban Kuber <ekuber en gmail.com>

> http://slashdot.org/submission/1329802/First-community-made-Python-Magazine-released
> First community made Python Magazine released-> Anonymous Coward
> Submitted by Anonymous Coward on Thursday September 09, @11:52PM
> python
> An anonymous reader writes "Today the first edition of PET: English
> Translation (Python Entre Todos, Python Among All) magazine, was
> released, which is a community effort from PyAr, the Argentinian
> Python User Group (Google translation) to bring to life the first
> Community Owned Python Magazine. This follows the initial release last
> month in Spanish of the technical magazine, when the members realized
> that there was a void not only in Spanish, but also in English, left
> primarely by Python Magazine, which seems to be pinning for the
> fjords. The PyAr mailing list was filled with joy for the release.
> According to Google Translation one of the posts stated: "Our nipples
> explode with delight"."
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OMFG! no case una de esta del ingle! na ... hablando porugoispanish una
fiesta ! caipirinia y beer para
todos \o/ .... PET in english ... welcome aboard ....

pd: donde estan las minitas ?! ;)

"Chuck Norris doesn't need a debugger, he just stares down the bug until the
code confesses."
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