[pyar] Revisiones PET inglés

Claudio Freire klaussfreire en gmail.com
Jue Sep 9 17:00:23 ART 2010

2010/9/9 Roberto Alsina <ralsina en netmanagers.com.ar>

> Repartanse los articulos a revisar y vean como pueden armar las
> correcciones.
> A las 21 tomo todas las correcciones que me manden y las meto de nuevo.



*Decorating code:
A decorator is basically a callable
wraps another and which allows to modify the behavior
   A decorator is basically a callable
wraps another and which allows
*us *to modify the behavior

This might sound complicated at the beginning but it is really simpler than
*how* it looks.
  This might sound complicated *in* the beginning but it is really simpler
than it looks.

Now, without *any other introduction *
   Now, without *any further ado*

Our to-be-wrapped callable for example*s* will look like this
   Our to-be-wrapped callable for example will look like this

Los títulos "Decorator functions without arguments" y "Decorator functions
with arguments" están al revés (los ejemplos que da son los opuestos).
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