[pyar] Se viene documentación editable por los usuarios?

Facundo Batista facundobatista en gmail.com
Vie Nov 26 12:02:42 ART 2010

Miren, miren!

(para los ansiosos que no quieran leer todo el mail, entren en
http://dpo.gbrandl.de/library/math ).


.    Facundo

Blog: http://www.taniquetil.com.ar/plog/
PyAr: http://www.python.org/ar/

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Georg Brandl <g.brandl en gmx.net>
Date: Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 5:24 PM
Subject: [Python-Dev] [Preview] Comments and change proposals on documentation
To: python-dev en python.org
Cc: Doc-Sig en python.org


at <http://dpo.gbrandl.de/contents>, you can look at a version of the 3.2
docs that has the upcoming commenting feature.  JavaScript is mandatory.
I've switched on anonymous comments for testing, but usually at least
comments from anonymous users can be moderated.  Be sure to test the
"propose a change" feature too.  Login currently allows OpenID exclusively.

Credits go to Jacob Mason, whose GSOC project is responsible for almost all
of what you see there.  [1]

Please test on a smaller page, such as <http://dpo.gbrandl.de/library/math>,
there is currently a speed issue with larger pages.  (Helpful tips from
JS experts are welcome.)

Other things I have to do before this can go live:

* reuse existing logins from either wiki or tracker?
* (re)Captcha integration for anonymous comments
* easier moderation (currently emails are sent on new comments)
* facility for (semi)automatic applying of proposals (once Hg is live, this
 should be easy to do due to the separation between commit and merge)
* allow commenting on code blocks (figure out where to place the "bubble")

Any feedback is appreciated (I'd suggest mailing it to doc-SIG only, to avoid
cluttering up python-dev).

Have fun,

[1] The source for the webapp is at
   <http://bitbucket.org/jacobmason/sphinx-demo-webapp>, but most of the
   functionality is implemented in Sphinx trunk.

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